Latest from Wingfinger’s blog

The Climate Damages Tax: a guide to what it is and how it works (2024)
New Climate Damages Tax report launched on 29 April 2024. There is a price for heating up the planet. Currently it is borne to a vast extent by the populations affected by ever-intensifying climate impacts. Although their products are the root cause of the crisis, to date, the fossil fuel producers have gotten away with not paying. The Climate Damages Tax (CDT) proposal, underpinned by the Polluter Pays principle, makes » Read more…
Posted on Monday 29/4/24 at 10:38AM by Richard

Wingfinger is 50 years old in 2023 and is still working hard creating design solutions that work. Since our launch in 1973 we have seen a lot of changes in the way design is produced from standing at drawing boards to sitting at computers but our aims, creative solutions with clear communication and visual interest, remain the same.
Posted on Sunday 8/1/23 at 5:40PM by Richard

Website for Network Artist Management
Launch of website for Network Artist Management who are a Theatre, Film and TV Agency representing professional performers from across the UK and beyond.
Posted on Saturday 15/10/22 at 3:22PM by Richard

Illustrative map for the A Walk in the Park, twenty-six stop, audio walk in Roundhay Park, Leeds. Our client, A Quiet Word, produced the audio walk to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the opening of the Park to the public. Listen to personal recollections, stories from the past, and hopes for the future. More details about the walk and downloads of the audio tracks and map can be found on » Read more…
Posted on Monday 1/8/22 at 3:04PM by Richard

We have moved from Queen Square but don’t worry we will still be here working from various home locations. Please contact us by mail or by the enquiry form to discuss future projects.
Posted on Tuesday 22/12/20 at 4:20PM by Richard

Exploring the brief with arts organisations
One of the fun things about working with arts organisations is getting to create and design publicity materials for individual performance pieces: from musicals and plays to concerts and launch events. A new project is frequently a complete contrast to the one that has just finished, and this kind of work often enables us to flex our illustrative muscles or produce artwork that is a little more ‘off the wall’ than usual! » Read more…
Posted on Tuesday 3/5/16 at 11:10AM by Amy

New website for MGA performing arts school
At the end of November we launched a shiney new website for The MGA Academy of Performing Arts in Edinburgh. We love working with MGA on a variety of school and production-based projects and although we all liked the old website, we decided it was definitely time for an upgrade!
We were looking to improve accessibility and make sure that all the site information was clear, easy to find and easy to read. » Read more…
Posted on Monday 21/12/15 at 1:43PM by Amy

25 years of Footsteps magazine!
We took a fun studio field trip down to London (and Memory Lane) on Friday to join the international resources team and other staff members from Tearfund to celebrate 25 years of a magazine we design called Footsteps. Richard and I spent a lot of time standing around next to pieces of our work while Bill, Wingfinger founder and recent retiree, caught up with some of the Footsteps makers and users from years gone by. » Read more…
Posted on Tuesday 29/9/15 at 4:50PM by Amy